
Store high-dimensional data about medical and clinical patient data
Matthew Goos, the CTO of AdaptX, explains how his company uses FalkorDB as a core component of its solution. AdaptX is an AI-driven clinical management solution that empowers clinical leaders to improve and manage care across patients by leveraging their own real-world EMR data. FalkorDB is a fast low latency Graph Database that uses sparse matrices and linear algebra to query and analyze complex data relationships with high performance and scalability.

AdaptX uses FalkorDB to store high-dimensional data about medical and clinical patient data and results. We provide an analytical toolset that gives clinicians fast access to Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts to answer clinical questions across patients, treatments, and workflows. As we continue to develop and refine our use of FalkorDB, we are excited to take advantage of its new features, such as Vector Index support, to solve new challenges.

By organizing and grouping our clinicians and their findings using Vector Index support, we can enhance the recommendations and interactivity of our analytical toolset, providing even greater value to our customers.

We are also excited to take advantage of FalkorDB’s new features, such as LLM interactivity, to unlock hidden potential in our clinical data. By using LLM interactivity to improve how we analyze and interpret clinical data, we can help AdaptX users find signals of interest that may have previously been overlooked, empowering them to successfully address their most pressing problems, including quality, capacity, equity, burnout, and environmental impact. Overall, we are confident that FalkorDB will continue to play an important role in helping us achieve our business goals and provide innovative solutions for the healthcare industry.”

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